
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Final Ideas and Concepts

Discussion on 15th of October deciding on the finalised mechanics and concepts for our game.

Finalised Ideas and Concepts

The Main Character:
  • Can run, jump, duck and jump of walls.
  • Enemies are killed by jumping on, unless they are bugged/ bugs are required to be stunned with bug spray first.
The Mechanic (Controllable companion):
  • Hovers behind you, flies when you take control it.
  • When controlling The Mechanic you must stay within a certain radius of the player.
  • The Mechanic is much smaller than the player.
  • Three enemies based on the 3 themed worlds, each will use a similar skeletal structure to save on rigging and animation. 
Level Mechanics : 
  • Level One:
    • Forest Themed.
    • Strong winds that push the player.
    • Basic puzzles and platforming.
    • Showing signs of game bugs (25% bugged).
  • Level Two
    • Ice Themed.
    • Slippery / Icy floor.
    • More puzzle orientated than platforming.
    • 50% bugged.
    • Possibility of having blocks slide along the icy floors.
  • Level Three
    • Fire Themed.
    • Falling volcanic rocks.
    • Equal balance of platforming and puzzles.
    • 75% bugged.
  • Level Four
    • Bug / Code Themed.
    • Bug / Glitch void chases you through entire level.
    • Must keep running.
    • No puzzles, only platforming.
    • Ends with final boss.
Possible Features / Stretch Goals

General Game Mechanics / Features
  • Level grading system (the more bugs you destroy the better grade you get.
  • A shop or similar structure at the beginning of a level bugged out, showing that there was some sort of prior objective or activity before the game became bugged.
  • Game opens and closes similarly to a PC.
  • Static / noise screen overlays to make it looked more glitchy / bugged.
  • The Mechanic has some sort of comedic white glove that it uses to interact with objects.

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