
Sunday 20 April 2014

Ice Level Assets and Terrain

 Here is the collection of all the models used to build up the Ice zone. I think the low poly triangulated effect works especially well on some of the ice pieces and on the water.
As this level was smaller i didn't have to worry about making more modular pieces of terrain, so each part of the terrain more modeled more unique. I think on some pieces of the terrain some of the 'tris' are a bit too big in comparison to the rest of the game, if we get more time to polish this is defiantly something to think about as it is more noticeable in game.

 Below are the Ice zone assets, keeping to the colour scheme i set earlier i modeled the various parts we needed to fill out the scene. This included the parts needed for the puzzles and 'covers' to fill the front of the inside terrain. There is also a piece of flint and a stick, this is used for the puzzles near the end of the level. To avoid the level feeling completely blue and white i decided we need some other colours that all blend nicely, this is why i created each level colour scheme earlier on. Gems and icy blocks all keep to the colour scheme and will hopefully be lit up within Unity to give the whole level a more visual appealing game.

While i'm happy with the results and the visual style, i believe some of the ice terrain would need changing a little, some wall jumping has proven a little difficult on some of the sloped edges because i did this at the time without taking the game mechanics in the consideration. I wanted to give the terrain a jagged, sharp edged look but i think it would suit a more softer feel but i guess that's something that came with doing low poly triangulation. If i had more time i would of also of liked to do more assets or variations but as it's a shorter more difficult zone, i don't think it's too much of a problem.

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