
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Environmental art direction - Low poly look

As art director, i have decided that we need to finalize the visual art style. As we are under time constrains at the moment i have thought over what we can do, that is fast but we can still achieve a style that fits our game. Originally we were planning on doing chunky models and hand-painted textures, but i believe to really get nice looking hand painted textures, we would need to spend a lot of time on painting. We have changed our style to more of a deliberate low poly look. Here are some examples of what we would like to aim for.

After playing around with some tools in Maya, i have managed to create some rough prototypes of how we can go about achieving this style. 

Here is the step by step process;

Step 1: 
First, we need to give the model a more chunkier look, this is done with the transform component tool.
Select entire mesh in vertex mode. 
Edit Mesh > Transform Component 
(Tweak around with the settings for more of a random change in vertices)

Once you've applied the transform vertex, move either of the axis to move all the vertices in random directions. This give us the chunky geometry, lovely. 

Step 2:
Next, we need to triangulate the mesh. 
Mesh > Triangulate. 

This give us the tris we want to show through, therefore giving us the low poly look.

Step 3: 
Next we can use the reduce tool, to lower the poly count, this step isn't need but it's worth playing around with the settings to see what effect we can achieve.
Mesh > Reduce

Step 4:
Finally, so we can see the triangulated edges, select all faces and then all we need to do is harden the normals. 
Normals > Harden edge

All done! Using this method i believe we shall be using block colours, probably more desaturated but that is something we shall play around with once all the assets are in game. 

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