
Friday 7 March 2014

Main Character Animations and Mecanim

Once Jez had finished modelling and texturing the main character, I was able to bring it into unity to start implementing it into our current character controller and to begin setting up our animations using mecanim. Firstly I would like to mention that as none of us in our group are strong animators we chose to use a default set of animations for our game that we downloaded, in order to give us as much time to polish the other areas of the game.

Once I had built a collection of suitable and free animations I had to import them into unity and start setting up the human rig for our character to ensure that the animations would match up with the rig of our character.

Once the animations were checked out I had to begin using Mecanim to create the transitions between our animations so that a state machine could be set up in order for our animations to replicate our character controllers movement.

Once the Mecanim transitions were finished I had to script a small state machine to control the variables that Mecanim relied on in order to make the appropriate transitions. This was done simply with a few nested if statements and a select case statement.

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