
Wednesday 19 March 2014

Level Colour Schemes

Due to the visual changes, we are using bold block colours for each of our environments and assets. As each environment will only have about 5 main colours, i believe it is really important to make sure all these colours work well together.

By using Adobe Kuler i took a slight dabble in colour theory, using the Adobe algorithms to automatically find out what colour work well together. I already knew that we wanted a desaturated pasty colour scheme so kuler helped find what combination of colours to use.

Here is the colour scheme for the forest level, we wanted this to be your 'typical' first level. Using only green and brown (for grass, dirt and trees) this will hopefully work well with the low poly look much like the references we have been looking at. 

For the Ice level, these work well to get a 'cool' feel to the environment. 

At first for the fire level i thought typically we would just use reds and very dark colours, but i quite like these stylised colours, and how they work together. 

I have also typed up the Hex and RGB values so we can get the exact same colours no matter what software we are using. This will help make sure we keep consistent within the levels. I've also marked what colour will be used for what, once again to keep consistent. 

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